Hire a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer After an Uber/Lyft Accident

Blog,Ridesharing • May 12, 2021

After being injured in a crash involving a rideshare vehicle, you may think you have a clear-cut case. However, these multi-billion dollar rideshare companies will likely not willingly accept liability for your injuries. You need a qualified attorney at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC to help you obtain the compensation you deserve following an Uber/Lyft crash. 

Common Causes of New Jersey Lyft Crashes

New Jersey rideshare accidents are frequently caused by the negligence of another driver, and our team of personal injury lawyers in New Jersey has experience handling a variety of rideshare injury cases involving many factors. Some of the most common contributors to rideshare accidents include:  

  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence
  • Distracted driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Failure to obey traffic signs
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Tailgating
  • Unqualified or inexperienced drivers
  • Road rage

If you have suffered injuries due to one of these factors following a rideshare collision or another form of driver negligence, our legal team is here to help you identify who is responsible for your damages to hold them responsible. 

Do I Need a New Jersey Rideshare Accident Attorney? 

5.12 Hire a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer After an Uber/Lyft AccidentAn attorney can help you recover after being unfairly injured in a New Jersey rideshare accident. From experience, we know that resolving a case involving rideshare drivers and rideshare companies can be extremely difficult. Uber and Lyft have million-dollar insurance policies to cover these situations, but the rules are complex. Rideshare accident victims will likely be overwhelmed. Even with a substantial policy in place, these companies will still offer a low-ball settlement offer that won’t be enough to cover the full extent of your medical expenses, lost income, and other losses. 

There are three insurance policies involved in rideshare accidents:

  • The insurance policy of the ridesharing company
  • The personal insurance policy of the rideshare driver
  • The insurers of any other involved drivers

These insurers will attempt to downplay the severity of your injuries or argue that they are not liable for your damages. 

There are many liability disputes with rideshare accident claims, making it hard to obtain the compensation you need without the help of a qualified New Jersey rideshare accident lawyer at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC. 

Uber/Lyft Accidents in New Jersey

Those who are injured in a crash involving a rideshare vehicle should consult with an Uber/Lyft crash lawyer in New Jersey immediately to better understand their legal options. The legal team at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC is here to help you make sure that your case is treated fairly and that the liable driver is held accountable for his or her actions. We will fight to make sure that you recover the compensation you deserve so that your life can get back on track. Contact our New Jersey rideshare crash attorneys today at (201) 997- 0030 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a crash involving a rideshare driver.