How a Car Accident Can Cause a Stroke

Car Accidents,Personal Injury • February 26, 2024

Car accidents are an unfortunately common reality across the country, and New Jersey is no exception. Each year, millions suffer injuries, not only immediately in the accident but also those emerging in the aftermath. While strokes are unlikely to occur as a direct result of the car accident as it occurs, it is one of those health complications that can arise later on. If you suffer a stroke as a complication of a collision, a car accident attorney in Jersey City may be able to help.

The Stress of a Car Accident Can Lead to a Stroke

The stress of a car accident involves more than just physical trauma; it also includes significant psychological distress. While it’s unlikely that this acute form of stress would directly cause a stroke at the moment of impact, the aftermath and ongoing emotional turmoil can significantly elevate risk factors associated with strokes.

For example, high levels of cortisol — a hormone released during periods of high stress — can lead to increased blood pressure and sugar levels, both known risk factors of strokes. Additionally, for those already predisposed to or with existing cardiovascular issues, the additional strain from an accident’s shock could trigger such an event after some time has passed.

Brain Injuries From a Car Accident Can Lead to Stroke

Brain injuries caused by car accidents, whether they involve direct trauma to the head or damage to surrounding neck and muscle tissues, carry a significant risk for potential strokes.

When exposed to traumatic force from an accident, the blood vessels in your head or neck might get damaged and cause clots to form. These clots pose serious risks if left undetected; they can travel through your bloodstream into narrower pathways within the brain, placing you at risk of an ischemic stroke, where a lack of blood flow results in loss of vital nutrients and oxygen.

Additionally, if trauma from a severe car crash triggers bleeding within the brain (a condition known as intracranial hemorrhage), it could result in what is referred to as a hemorrhagic stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke typically occurs when a weakened blood vessel within your brain bursts and leaks into surrounding tissues.

Given the potential severe health complications that could emerge after a car accident, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention after a car accident.

How a Stroke Affects Your Car Accident Claim

A stroke resulting from a car accident can have long-lasting, detrimental effects on your health and quality of life. Strokes occur when areas of the brain lose their steady inflow of oxygen, resulting in a rapid loss of cells or many malfunctioning cells — consequently affecting bodily functions those specific brain regions control.

It is not uncommon for individuals to experience serious side effects from a stroke, such as paralysis, speech difficulties, difficulty swallowing, memory loss, depression, and other significant issues that affect quality of life.

Considering the stroke was a result of the car accident, many of the health issues and lifestyle alterations can be accounted for in the damages sought through legal action. In these cases, working with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Jersey City is critical so they can make sure you get everything you’re entitled to.

For example, your damages should include medical expenses and lost wages as well as other types of damages, like pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life from the impacts of the stroke. If you need help with a claim or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule a free consultation.