Legal Help for New Jersey Rideshare Accidents

Car Accidents,Injury • August 5, 2020

If you are riding in an Uber or Lyft and your rideshare driver gets into a collision, under current procedures, pursuing a case is relatively straightforward. 

The Minimal Trouble Perspective

An article in Fortune Magazine recounts a story from the point of view of an Uber passenger who was involved in a crash while traveling in the rideshare vehicles. The article claims that the Uber passenger’s driver was involved in a significant fender bender. The incident took place early in the morning on a weekday when the rideshare driver was turning onto a one-way street. The collision resulted in significant damage to the passenger door of the other vehicle. The Uber driver was so upset by the accident, and the passenger had to remind him to pull over. However, the Uber driver insisted that he was allowed to drive the passenger to her destination. The passenger refused and insisted that she walk the rest of the way to her destination because she was certain that any discussion between the Uber driver and the other driver would take some time. Uber the company would contact the passenger days later and refund the passenger for her fare. The crash had been reported to the company by the other driver, and the compensation for the vehicle that was damaged was covered by a private insurance company. 

Under New Jersey law, all Uber and Lyft drivers are required to carry personal auto insurance coverage. 

Beyond Simple New Jersey Rideshare Accident Cases

Legal Help for New Jersey Rideshare AccidentsThe essentials of handling accidents caused by Uber or Lyft drivers are relatively easy to understand, but there are many scenarios where resolution between the involved parties can become complicated. When Uber and Lyft start using self-driving vehicles in the near future, difficulties are certainly going to become more complex. Under New Jersey law, Uber or Lyft passengers are entitled to be fairly compensated for injuries resulting from an Uber or Lyft accident. 

Determine who is at fault and the amount of compensation owed to the involved parties of a New Jersey Uber or Lyft car accident can be quite complex. There are many potential classes a victim and potential causes of the crashes. It could either be private vehicles, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, truck drivers, or bystanders. All injured parties are entitled to recover fair compensation for their injuries and other damages associated with the accident. 

All potential causes of these crashes must be considered when determining the full extent of compensation. A qualified Uber accident attorney, Lyft accident lawyer, or rideshare accident attorney in New Jersey will be able to fully examine any collision using techniques such as accident reconstruction and employing experts in accident safety. Through legal investigation and casework, an experienced New Jersey personal injury lawyer could find hidden insurance benefits and find the best medical and rehabilitation services available for rideshare crash victims. 

Uber and Lyft Drivers themselves often have extremely complex insurance cases, particularly if the rideshare driver feels that a crash was the fault of the other party, but the passenger feels that their rideshare driver may be partly or fully at fault. The legal situation can be complex if the insurance company chooses to place blame on another party other than the person who is insured. An experienced New Jersey rideshare crash attorney with years of legal experience may be the only one who can sort out such a complicated case. 

Self-Driving Rideshare Crashes in New Jersey

We do not know exactly when self-driving vehicles will be introduced into the ridesharing market, but the principles and practices of insuring Uber and Lyft passengers will become much more complex when it does. In a given rideshare crash, the vehicle manufacturer, the writer of the software, or teh makers of individual components of the complicated system could be included in the distribution of blame. These factors may involve foreign entities or entities from other states with varying laws. Insurance companies may start to count on the fact that investigations would be too complicated and expensive to pursue. It may be more complicated to simply recover lost compensation for your injuries and make a full recovery. 

At Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC, our team of New Jersey rideshare crash attorneys have handled hundreds of Uber/Lyft cases, and these cases have become one of our firm’s largest specialties. Please contact our law firm in order to learn more and discuss the unique circumstances of your case. 

Uber Accidents in New Jersey

All drivers on the roads of New Jersey are at risk of causing catastrophic accidents, including those who are tasked with transporting passengers from place to place. 

There have been recent studies establishing a link between the creation of Uber and an increase in roadway fatalities in the United States. Across the country, traffic fatalities have increased, with some sources claiming a 2 to 3% rise in roadway deaths nationwide since Uber was established. This means an additional 1,100 people are dying annually. Why this is the case isn’t exactly clear at this time. However, more Uber drivers mean that there are more cars on the road and more miles being driven. Also, many drivers for Uber and Lyft aren’t provided the necessary training to make sure that they will not put their passengers in danger. 

Those who are injured in a crash involving a rideshare vehicle should consult with an Uber/Lyft crash lawyer in New Jersey immediately in order to better understand their legal options. The legal team at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC is here to help you make sure that your case is treated fairly and that the liable driver is held accountable for his or her actions. We will fight to make sure that you recover the compensation you deserve so that your life can get back on track. Contact our New Jersey rideshare crash attorneys today at (201) 997- 0030 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a crash involving a rideshare driver.