Submitting an Uber Accident Report in New Jersey

Blog,Ridesharing • March 24, 2021

In the event of an accident, rideshare companies are trying to protect their own interests. Uber has a team of people working to avoid paying up for an injury claim. That is why crash victims need to have a trusted New Jersey rideshare injury lawyer on their side. 

What Should I Do After an Uber Accident? 

As an Uber passenger, you should immediately report any accident to the company. You may require medical help, and you should talk to any law enforcement officers who arrive at the scene. After you are sure that everyone involved is fine, you should report the collision to Uber using your phone. You can even report a crash right on the app when prompted to rate your trip. 

After filing an accident report, Uber and its insurance provider will reach out and ask questions about how the crash occurred and any injuries you suffered. Beware because the answers you provide can have a serious impact on a potential settlement. 

Filling out the Uber Accident Form

Submitting an Uber Accident Report in New JerseyFollowing any crash, you should focus on your wellbeing. You may require transportation to a medical facility if you suffered serious injuries. You may need to go to the emergency room or urgent care after talking to authorities at the crash site. 

Even if you don’t think you were injured in the crash, you need to be sure to follow up with your primary care provider. Certain injuries may not be readily apparent, and only a trained health care professional can determine if you require medical treatment. The insurance provider is going to ask to see documentation of your injuries, no matter how severe they may be. 

After immediate needs have been addressed, you need to report the accident to Uber. Don’t wait, because you may forget some key details if you delay it too long. Uber may even use delayed reporting as a reason to contest your claim and argue that your injuries were not severe. You can prevent these concerns by reporting the crash as soon as you can. 

However, it is crucial to seek the counsel of a New Jersey personal injury attorney before providing any statements to the insurance provider regarding the collision. After the accident has been reported, search for a qualified Uber accident lawyer to represent you. 

New Jersey Rideshare Accidents

Those who are injured in a crash involving a rideshare vehicle should consult with an Uber/Lyft crash lawyer in New Jersey immediately in order to better understand their legal options. The legal team at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC is here to help you make sure that your case is treated fairly and that the liable driver is held accountable for his or her actions. We will fight to make sure that you recover the compensation you deserve so that your life can get back on track. Contact our New Jersey rideshare crash attorneys today at (201) 997- 0030 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a crash involving a rideshare driver.