Newark Truck Accident Attorney

Have you or a loved one been injured by the actions of a negligent truck driver in Newark? If this describes what you are facing, you may be eligible for compensation – and the firm of Brady Reilly & Cardoso is here to help you in your time of need.

The esteemed lawyers at Brady Reilly & Cardoso have been fighting for the rights of New Jerseyans just like you for over fifty years. In that time, we’ve achieved million-dollar settlements for truck accident victims, such as a $6 million trash truck case settlement.

In fact, we are confident in our ability to deliver results in your Newark truck accident case – so much so that we never charge you unless we win your case.

So count on the firm of Brady Reilly & Cardoso. Call us for a free case review at (201) 636-1993, or book your free, no-obligation consultation online today.

Newark Truck Accident Resources

To immediately access the resources at any point on this page, click the corresponding links below.

Why Choose Our Attorney?
Why Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer?
Who Can Be Held Liable For A Truck Accident?
Potential Damages Available In Your Case
Cost of an Attorney
Speak to a Lawyer Today

Why Newark Residents Choose Brady Reilly & Cardoso

The firm of Brady Reilly & Cardoso has been the choice of Essex County residents for decades.

That’s because our Newark personal injury law firm:

  • Seeks maximum compensation for all personal injury victims, including the victims of truck accidents.
  • Isn’t afraid to take your truck accident case to trial to ensure you get the results that you and your loved ones deserve.
  • Understands the tactics used by underhanded insurance companies to try to devalue your claim.
  • Never charges you and your loved ones unless we successfully conclude your case with a favorable settlement or jury verdict.

Plus, with dozens of five-star reviews on Google, you can be confident knowing you have a truck accident legal team you can trust when you work with the firm of Brady Reilly & Cardoso.

Newark Truck Accident Lawyer

Why Do I Need A Lawyer After My Truck Accident?

Dealing with the aftermath of a truck accident can be incredibly challenging. If you suffered serious injuries, simple tasks may become incredibly challenging and you may need assistance to get through your day-to-day life. To add onto the challenges you may face, the legal nuances of a truck accident lawsuit can be particularly complex. A truck accident attorney in Newark will fight to recover fair compensation for you and hold the party responsible for your injuries responsible for their misconduct.

Collecting Evidence And Managing Documentation

One of the biggest ways that insurance companies try to devalue your claim is by insisting that the crash did not occur in the manner you said it did. The way to thwart this tactic is to collect as much evidence relating to your case as possible. This can include the following types of evidence:

  • Videos, Photos, and Surveillance Footage
  • Eyewitness Testimony
  • Physical Evidence
  • Expert Witnesses

With a Newark truck accident lawyer like those at Brady Reilly & Cardoso on your side, you can leave the evidence collection and management to the experts while you focus on your healing.

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

A good lawyer is never afraid to communicate and negotiate with insurance companies. The lawyers at Brady Reilly & Cardoso always come to the negotiation table in an attempt to get the largest possible settlement to cover your expenses, pain, and suffering.

Taking Your Case To Court

If negotiations fall through, our experienced Newark truck accident attorney is always ready and eager to represent your case in court. Our primary goals are to secure justice on your behalf and win you a jury award that will comfortably support you and your family on your continued healing journey.

Who Can Be Held Liable For A Newark Truck Accident?

Determining liability in truck accidents can get complicated quickly. Not only is there the question of whether the driver or their parent trucking company is liable for the accident, but truck manufacturers or part manufacturers could also be considered liable.

For instance, if a trucking company is not fulfilling its legally required maintenance duty on leased trucks, and that’s what caused the accident, the trucking company could be held liable. The same goes if the truck manufacturer or part maker created defective products used in the truck which caused the accident.

Potential Damages Available In Your Newark Truck Accident Case

When considering taking your case to court, it’s important to understand the types of damages that legal action taken against the negligent third party could pay out.

While it’s difficult to estimate just how much your case is worth, truck accident cases usually yield the following types of damages:

  • Economic damages, which pay for real-world costs associated with the accident, such as lost wages and future earning potential, medical expenses, and any type of real-world costs associated with the accident.
  • Non-economic damages, which are the intangible expenses associated with the accident. This covers your pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other effects from the accident.

Additionally, if exceptionally egregious or reckless actions caused the accident, the victim and their family may be eligible to receive punitive damages. These are damages not tied to the victim’s financial or other damages but seek to punish the defendant.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Newark Truck Accident Lawyer?

The cost of legal representation can be difficult to estimate. Many potential clients experiencing extensive pain and suffering in the aftermath of their truck accident may be afraid to seek out the guidance of a lawyer due to fears about cost.

The good news is that Brady Reilly & Cardoso offers a contingency fee payment structure for clients. That means you don’t face any upfront costs from beginning to working with us, and we are only paid when we successfully conclude your case.

Brady Reilly & Cardoso Delivers Justice To Newark Truck Accident Victims

With over $16 million recovered in damages for victims, Brady Reilly & Cardoso has demonstrated remarkable expertise and effectiveness in advocating for our clients.

If you want a firm that treats you with compassion while tirelessly pursuing justice in your truck or car accident lawsuit in Newark, give us a call at (201) 636-1993 or book your free, no-obligation case review online today.