Jersey City Rideshare Accident Lawyer

A rideshare accident can disrupt your life in several ways, leading to financial hardships, physical pain, and emotional distress. If a negligent rideshare driver caused your accident, you may be eligible for an insurance claim or even a lawsuit for the damages that you suffered.

If you were involved in a Jersey City rideshare accident, trust the attorneys at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC. Our personal injury lawyers are dedicated to securing justice for victims of negligent drivers. We will work tirelessly to achieve an optimal outcome in your Uber or Lyft accident claim.

Jersey City Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Why Choose Our Jersey City Rideshare Accident Attorneys

  • Our firm has an outstanding record of achieving successful settlements and jury verdicts. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients.
  • Rideshare accident claims can be complex, and you need guidance to know what to do next. Our Jersey City rideshare lawyers have years of legal experience and can help you prepare for each stage of your case.
  • We prioritize open and honest communication throughout our clients’ claims. Our firm will be available to answer your questions, respond to your concerns, and provide important updates.

What Is a Rideshare Service?

According to the Transportation Network Company (TNC) Safety and Regulatory Act, a rideshare company uses a digital network to connect a rider to a driver to provide a prearranged ride. Ridesharing services use the driver’s vehicle versus taxis, limousines, and other for-hire vehicles.

Several rideshare companies operate in Jersey City, but the most widely used are Uber and Lyft. However, smaller operations are becoming more prevalent. In Jersey City, for example, the city operates its own rideshare program called Via.

Types of Injuries in Rideshare Accidents

Like any motor vehicle accident, a ride-sharing vehicle collision can lead to serious injuries and losses. Some of the most common rideshare accident injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions
  • Paralysis and spinal cord damage
  • Cuts, bruises, and burns
  • Internal organ damage
  • Soft tissue injuries, like whiplash
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

What Should You Do After a Rideshare Accident in Jersey City?

Rideshare accidents involving companies like Uber can be complex legal matters,  especially in bustling urban areas like Jersey City. When an accident occurs, gathering pertinent information becomes crucial for determining fault and seeking compensation. Passengers involved in such incidents should document driver information, trip details, and any relevant evidence.

Seeking legal advice from an experienced accident attorney specializing in rideshare cases is advisable to navigate the legal intricacies and ensure appropriate compensation for damages incurred. These attorneys can guide in understanding the legal processes involved and advocating for the rights of those affected by rideshare accidents in Jersey City and beyond.

Filing an Uber or Lyft Accident Claim in Jersey City, New Jersey

There are a lot of complexities involved in an Uber or Lyft accident claim. New Jersey is a no-fault accident state, meaning that your insurance policy typically pays for your damages after an accident. However, different rules apply to cases involving an on-duty rideshare driver.

Depending on the situation, you could file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage or the liability insurance policy provided by the rideshare company. If your damages exceed the insurance policy limits, you could file a lawsuit against the negligent driver for the remaining amount.

Your optimal legal pathways will depend on the circumstances surrounding your case. An Uber or Lyft accident lawyer in Jersey City can evaluate your case and help you strategize your next steps.

Contact a New Jersey Rideshare Accident Lawyer Today

Rideshare accidents can happen at any time, in any place. If you are injured while traveling in Jersey City, the lawyers at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC can fight for your right to maximum compensation.

All you have to do is contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a New Jersey rideshare accident attorney and learn more about your legal options.