Timeline of a New Jersey Rideshare Accident Case

Navigating the aftermath of a rideshare accident in New Jersey can be a lengthy and complex process. Understanding what typically happens after this kind of incident and what steps you need to take is helpful for anyone injured in a rideshare accident due to someone else’s negligence. Contacting a rideshare accident lawyer in New Jersey may help you assess your legal options.

In the immediate aftermath of a rideshare accident in New Jersey, taking quick action to safeguard your health and preserve evidence is essential. Here’s what you should do:

Seek Safety

First, assess yourself for injuries or possible dangers to you and those around you. Make sure you’re in a safe place and are away from oncoming traffic or major hazards.

Call 911

Call the police right away. Officers help with emergency medical care and also create accident reports that can be used later on for insurance claims or personal injury lawsuits.

Document the Scene

Gather as much evidence as possible at the scene if you’re able to do so. Take photos and videos of vehicle damage, any injuries you or others have, and wider shots showing the surroundings which may help piece together how the accident happened.

Exchange Information

Obtain contact information from all drivers involved in the crash. This should include names, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance information.

Collect Witness Details

If anyone saw what occurred, get contact info for each witness – these individuals could offer key testimony about how the situation unfolded.

After The Accident

Following any initial steps taken at the accident scene, the next phase involves looking after your well-being and securing expert advice. Here’s what you should do:

Seek Medical Treatment

Even if injuries aren’t immediately apparent, visit a healthcare professional for an evaluation as some conditions might not show symptoms until later or may not be visible to someone without medical expertise.

Contact An Experienced Lawyer

A lawyer can assist you with reporting the accident to Uber or Lyft and your personal insurance company to work towards securing any compensation or benefits that you may be entitled to.

After the accident, it’s crucial to maintain all records related to medical treatment and associated costs. Documenting this evidence is key in calculating potential compensation for your insurance claim or lawsuit. This should include evidence of lost wages and property damage as well.

File an Insurance Claim

When preparing your insurance claim, you’ll need to compile the documentation of your damages. You or your attorney will then communicate with the appropriate insurance company – which could be the rideshare insurance, the driver’s personal insurance, or your own insurance – and submit your claim.

Wait to Hear From Insurance Company

After submitting your claim, you’ll need to wait on the insurance company’s response to see if they are willing to pay what you believe you are entitled to.

Negotiate a Settlement

Insurance companies usually start with low offers. Your Uber or Lyft accident lawyer in Jersey City plays a critical role at this stage, helping you negotiate and push back against their tactics, ensuring you get compensation that will adequately address your losses.

File a Personal Injury Lawsuit if Necessary

If you aren’t able to settle through an insurance claim, you may decide to file a personal injury lawsuit if you’re eligible to do so.

Before the actual trial happens, there are certain stages that occur. Here’s what the pre-trial process typically entails:


This initial phase involves your legal team collecting all relevant facts about the incident, which could include any photos or video taken at the scene, contacting witnesses and taking their statements, gathering medical records, consulting with experts, and anything else that will help you prove your case.


Following the investigation, the discovery process allows both parties to exchange evidence and examine details available in each party’s possession. This includes written questions known as interrogatories, requests for production of documents like medical records and police reports, and depositions, where witnesses provide sworn oral testimonies outside of the courtroom.

Additional Settlement Negotiations

Even after a lawsuit is filed, both sides may continue negotiating to reach an agreement before going to trial. These talks can be informal or could involve formal settlement conferences or mediation sessions. If an agreement can be reached, it’s still possible to avoid trial at this point. It’s quite common for cases to settle at this point even though a lawsuit has already been filed.


When personal injury cases proceed to trial, both parties present their arguments in court before a judge and possibly a jury. Here’s what typically happens during this phase:

Opening Statements: Both sides make opening statements where they lay out the main points of their case and outline what evidence will be presented during the trial.

Presenting Evidence: Both parties will get a chance to present evidence to prove their side of the case.  This will include everything gathered during investigation and discovery that supports the claim (i.e., medical records or expert testimony).

Examining and Cross-Examining Witnesses: Throughout the trial, witnesses will be called to the stand to testify. Questions will be directed to witnesses by both attorneys through direct and cross examination.

Closing Arguments: After all evidence has been presented and all witnesses have testified, both sides offer closing arguments. These summarize the case, restate key points from trial proceedings, and aim to persuade judges or jurors that their position is correct.

Jury Deliberation: The jury, after receiving instructions from the judge on legal standards, will retire to deliberate and arrive at a verdict. This process involves review of all the evidence provided and coming to a decision.

Verdict and Judgment: Once deliberations have concluded, the jury presents its decision to the court. If the plaintiff is successful, they will be awarded compensation.

Going through a personal injury lawsuit requires patience and legal skill and knowledge. If you’re contemplating filing a claim or are already involved in these proceedings, it’s important to have skilled representation that can guide you every step of the way. If you need help, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.